Christine Kane. is a wonderful singer / songwriter located in Asheville, NC; but she also makes a business out of mentoring women. I laugh all the time because I must be the only guy on her blog. Don't worry I don't feel uneasy, Christine's words are really upbeat and universal. Like this one before a tele-seminar that she put on:
Christine is one of THE best marketing musician, internet saavy, and just overall gets it that I've run into. To a point when she released her most recent cd.

Christine does have a "Team" that works with her, but how & if they are paid I don't know. One of them reminded me that I was going to be on cd of her friend's music that she's sharing with her friends. I think this is where my bad habit of reading every other line got me into trouble. I thought I was getting a free cd and now I'm contributing to a free cd she sharing. Well I was flattered and keeping with the woman emphasis I sent her Flowers of the Forest sung by Nichola Maria O'Donnell. If they needed to fill out the cd, I also sent them Hey Mr. Tangerine Man. Who knows maybe Christine and I will meet someday... (I did miss my opportunity at the Great River Folk Fest but that's where I heard her first.)... and maybe She'll ask me to speak on how not to write a blog. HA. (off of her new cd my most favorite song is "How not to behave")
This is her most watched video....
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