Sunday, April 26, 2015

800th post

I noticed today that I was at 799 for number of posts, so why not celebrate this by looking back:

At 700 was the announcement of Mary Mack getting voice over on a Fox show... alas it's been cancelled but Mary was awesome.

At 600 was my discovery that my music tastes are sinking into my Son's tastes.... Sooner or later you will find that you are a lot like your parents.

At 500 was a music discovery... Mountain Man.  A very haunting vocal video.

At 400 was a cover of a Blondie song by Amy Speace... I love great new ways of hearing songs, hell I never heard the before I heard Amy's cover.

At 300 and now back in Oct 2009, was my love for the Belleville Outfit.  I find it so weird that I would find myself drifting away from their music only to find myself sitting at the Pump House in 2013 listening to a fiddle player someone recommended.  It was Phoebe Hunt from the Belleville Outfit.  Quickly I remembered why I loved their music.

At 200 and as luck would have the draw, a video of me doing Ian Robb's Old Rose and Crown and playing the piano.  Videos have gotten better and I find this song belongs better on a accordion.

At 100 fitting is Ashlee Rose who I met on MySpace... rocking out an Aretha Franklin song.

Well that was fun... I know I should post more often... now off to work outside on a beautiful spring Sunday.

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