From Contributing Editor Clay Riness
Editor In Chief, The Weary Wolf JournalIn honor of my dental appointment this morning, I hearken you back to 2003 when I developed my first abscessed molar, and after too many years of avoiding the dentist, got the news that I was dreading. I am happy to say that, although my choppers are not getting better, they are also not getting worse, as I have been true and faithful to them ever since...after having gotten the hell scared out of me.
This performance is from a concert at Folklore Village in Dodgeville, Wisconsin and appears on my 2004 album,
Little Windows. This song was written less than 48 hours before the performance.
Listen to Potentially Abscessed Man:
Great post... here's to your teeth.
You know it's cool how you have the lyrics and chords... you know we really need to talk and have you teach this old fart a few things.