Ready for a little poetry slam with Downton? Oh Lady Mary... I do wish to be transported to your time... hell I'd even work downstairs to get a glimpse of you.
I know Mary is not for real.
Her perfection perfected in an hour
In costumes selected with zeal
And details down to the flowers.
I cannot live in Mary’s façade
But I breathe in and enjoy it;
Reach out to take her hand
Walk to the garden and sit.
Oh Mary to live in your dream
Would make mortal men melt
I can only wish and scheme
Then wonder how it all felt.
(c) Dave Schipper
As I sit in February, NFL over... my all-time favorite TV show Chuck is over.. Thank God for Downton Abbey Season Two... and my love for Lady Mary... played by the beautiful Michelle Dockery
Lonely the flower the blooms first in spring
Lonely the lady with no wedding ring
Stately she stands in gown so devine
Gently she weeps for him night after night
Mary’s a vision and he loves her dear
Pride and misfortunate has kept him from her
Fills with delight as he sees her each time
When will they be one he says in his mind
Humbly the servant prepares her to dine
Glances and pauses reveal her disguise
Matthew is coming; she’s brimming inside
Stoically she moves showing only her pride.
Precise the setting, and superb the wine.
Nothing compared to Mary at his side
Polite the manners, and coyly she smiles
Warming the eve in this cool British Isle.
The ballroom is empty; they stand face to face
He says it’s time to love and the past to erase
Snow falls and she smirkly says take a knee
Only to embrace with a passion so free.