Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blonde Attitude plus

So yes I am officially dangerous when the house empty... thought I would share my favorite rock original. Here's the lyrics and the story behind ... Blonde Attitude.

Ok so I'm also feeling, blessed, perplexed, amused, and rewarded from the last and next week of my life. We all live in one continuous flow of ebbs and flows, and with the my current high I should smash into the rocky shore anytime.

God pity this poor sinner for deeds done, but thank you to the highest bluffs for the grace you've passed my way over the last and hopefully next week.

Much could be pointed to it starting when Rose River played at Features in Holmen on a Thursday night last week. Unusually cold for July and windy, Tim, Paula, Shelly and I had a great time together and continued to hone our material to a small but appreciative crowd, including a bunch of bean bag competitors. Friday was a day of to prepare for an evening house concert and the block party the next day. Smoothly and enjoyably, Lori and I gracefully spent money, worked, and then she napped in the afternoon. This was our 7th house concert, no stress anymore.

Blessed, blessed, blessed... what a wonderful night with Becky Schlegel and Brian Fesler, and the friends who could make it loved it, and the new friends (strangers before) were appreciative that the venue was available.

Then Saturday and last minute lawn cutting and food preparation.. then no one showed.. well at least until later after 5:00 when I was at church. Then it turned into such a great time. A friend, Kent Aubry who I hadn't seen in 15 years showed, a new friend, Melissa Kay McCarthy, and friends of friends filled the back yard and ventured even up to the mic or picked up an instrument. Lynn commented out of 6 years of Bluff View Bashes... this was the best.

Sunday brought one more Church service and a trip to see Harry Potter.

Now this week is having Dustin and I being bachelors while Lori travels to New Orleans for an ELCA Youth Gathering. Oh this alone time is precious. Videos, writing, cooking, cleaning, and putzing.. all things that I hold precious to my life and solitude.
Then to top it off, Rose River plays at the Freight House in LaCrosse Friday and Saturday night... ok God.. thanks again..

And please forgive me again for the following... HA

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